& the Yak Who Loved Me


“Progress has a down side. Life on Earth has become dull.”

“Bollocks to that.”


The task is to traverse a distance of over 16,000km through 15 countries and unforgivable landscapes and reach Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The only restriction? Our car can be no fancy thing, being restricted to a 1L engined machine that may or may not have four wheels. This adventure has no direct path, no quick shortcut, and no amenities. Welcome to the Mongol Rally.



On July 22nd, 2014, the Mongol Rally will launch in Europe at the “Czech Out Party” in Prague, Czech Republic, where we will be formally inducted with the ralliers. We will then weave our way through Eastern Europe. Potential stops include Slovenia, Croatia, and Romania. After the relative comforts of Europe, we will forge onwards through Central Asia and the “-stans.”
We hope to travel along the legendary M41 – also known as the Pamir Highway – which is part of the ancient Silk Road through the Pamir Mountains, and one of the highest highways in the world. We must arrive in Ulaanbaatar no later than August 30th, 2014. It is our hope to reach the finish line at least a week earlier, but the best we can do is cross our fingers! We have no idea what’s in store…

Live Tracking

You can now track us live through The Adventurists! Follow us!

The Team




She claims to hold an MBA and work as an IT Consultant, but in reality her greatest achievement is her car dancing skills. Incredibly accident-prone, but her pain tolerance is even more unbelievable.




    Map reading has become an underrated skill in the age of Google Maps; her greatest travel achievement to date is navigating the 'einbahns' of Vienna late at night while being run down by trams. She loves to drive, but car repair may be an issue...

      The (Trusty?) Steed

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      We have chosen a 1995 Volkswagen Polo Wagon, kitted out with such luxuries as a sunroof and a CD player! The engine is supposedly functioning, but we'll be praying until we reach Mongolia. On the bright side, if the engine does break down, we'll be able to listen to great tunes until help arrives...


      The Mongol Rally may sound like a no-holds-barred romp through Central Asia, but who said some good deeds couldn’t be done along the way? Not only will we be experiencing some of the planet’s most ancient attractions, we’ll help to save the planet too.
      Our goal is to raise at least £1,000 (approx. $1,800) for our charities of choice.


      Cool Earth is an environmental charity that works in partnership with indigenous communities to halt rainforest destruction, without creating reserves. Through working with locals, Cool Earth makes sure conservation goes hand in hand with better livelihoods.

      What They Do

      • Put local people in control of at-risk rainforest to form non-logging agreements
      • Build better incomes, better schools, better clinics
      • Build a shield for the rainforest
      • Focus efforts on rainforests most at-risk

      The Ronald McDonald House keeps families together through one of the most difficult times any family can endure – the illness or injury of a child – making sure they have a place to stay and a warm and supportive environment so they can focus on their child’s recovery.

      What They Do

      • Allow families to access medical care by providing a place to stay
      • The Ronald McDonald CareMobile® delivers pediatric care to uninsured kids
      • “Lunches With Love” delivers lunches to families at the hospital
      • Provide a comfortable space for families to face illness together


      It’s not cheap or easy to drive a questionable automobile to Mongolia! Considering supplies, equipment, visas, and flight tickets, our expenses are going to be considerable.

      If you are interested in our endeavour and would like to lend a hand, or if you want your company to get real international exposure, please contact us to learn how you can help!

      Our Sponsors

      AltitudeSportspartnerlogo FIGpartnerlogo ASquaredpartnerlogo

      Friends of Genghis Bond

      Mr. Kia Zadegan
      Mr. Hans-Joachim Schmidt
      Mrs. Ruth Rezai
      Ms. Ann Kronke
      Ms. Jane Bundy
      The Zavšek Family


      Want to help us out? Do you have some questions about our adventure? Drop us a line.

      Thank you! I have received your message.


