& the Yak Who Loved Me


24 Hours In Germany

24 Hours In Germany

Naïve is the team that thinks they won’t face any mechanical issues at the start of the Mongol Rally. I’ll admit, my particular brand of optimism regarding the state of our Polo did lead us to feel that we’d at least meet the Google Maps expectation of the time it would take for us to […]

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It’s about to begin! Bring on the prep work!

It’s about to begin! Bring on the prep work!

We landed in Düsseldorf this morning, marking the start of our grand adventure! Flying to Germany on Lufthansa the day after Germany wins a World Cup is a singular experience! Lots of nationalmannschaft kits and German pride, it was fun. Soon, we will meet our car for the first time, and get all our stuff […]

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We wrote a guest blog!

It’s shocking to think that all this insanity will be kicking off officially in 1 month! I don’t think we will ever feel prepared, but in a way that’s the whole point. Not that knowing that eases the butterflies and anxiety… To pass the time until we launch from the Czech Out Party, we’ve written […]

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Our visas are finally being processed!

Our visas are finally being processed!

This is so shameful, but like mother like daughter! Our procrastinating natures (as well as our surprise trip to Malta) prevented us from preparing our visas earlier in the year, and it’s been squeaky bum time ever since. After suffering through passport photos, answering multitudes of banal questions, and writing kindly-worded letters to request entry […]

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Surprise Vacation – Malta!

Surprise Vacation – Malta!

A short, very belated post on a surprise trip that Genghis Bond went on to the beautiful island country of Malta during the last week of March! We can’t consider it to be Rally prep-worthy (can’t exactly count on 5-star hotels in the middle of nowhere!), but does it matter when the weather is sunny, […]

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Why are we doing this?!

Why are we doing this?!

The first question that comes to everyone’s lips when I tell them we’re driving to Mongolia in a car that barely merits use of the word is, “Why?!” The truth is, I had a dream. No, not a groundbreaking dream about civil rights for all à la MLK Jr. My dream did have a theme […]

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Route Beers!

Route Beers!

Mitra stopped by the Cumberland Arms in Hammersmith, London today for the Route Beers event hosted by the Adventurists! From what she tells me, she left quite an impression on the other teams that were present for the event (she always does). She also managed to meet up with Julia from The Visa Machine to […]

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We are now collecting donations!

We have finally set up our JustGiving page to begin collecting donations for CoolEarth! Our goal is to collect at least $1,800 CAD before we set out on the Mongol Rally on July 19th. CoolEarth is the official charity of the Adventurists, and a legitimately awesome organization helping to save the Earth because the Earth […]

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“We’re cleaning up the world, we thought this was a suitable starting point.”

It’s a bit strange to think that the very first, itsy bitsy steps on our epic journey starts by creating a blog. The gears are slowly turning, and in time we’ll be working full time to prepare for our trek from Canada to Mongolia!

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