Climbing the Transfagarasan

Climbing the Transfagarasan

Yesterday, we drove from Sibiu to Bucharest via the now famous Transfagarasan Highway. There is no better way to enjoy 2500m mountains than with hairpin turns going uphill (though Mom’s knees could argue otherwise). Though the mountains were packed with picnickers and tourists driving through, the sheer vastness of the surroundings made the number of people and cars around feel like nothing. Once we got to the top, the temperature dropped and the breeze picked up, making the weather perfect for Mom! We also got to take in the roads our little Polo managed to climb:









Update: I neglected to include the short video we took while driving down the Transfagarasan! Check it out, it’s full of butt-clenching fun:


Romania itself has been a bit of a paradox; it feels like the country is confused, given odd disparities in displayed wealth, national identity, and even the language. Despite this, the Romanian countryside is genuinely beautiful! We were told by many before entering that we had to beware the stray dogs everywhere, but in Bucharest we should have been told to beware the stray cars! Cars park everywhere and anywhere in Romania’s capital, & given the bizarrely huge boulevard intersections devoid of any markings, cars drive anywhere they want as well! We won’t miss driving in Bucharest, but we both know this is but a taste of what is to come in the near future.

Early tomorrow morning, we will set off on a marathon drive to Turkey, and if all goes well we will be in Istanbul by tomorrow night. You can follow our progress using the Live Tracker. Wish us luck!