Pit Stop in Slovenia

Pit Stop in Slovenia

A few things have happened since our last post! First, despite the fact that fixing the car used up one of our days in Prague, we did fit in some sightseeing. Such a shame that we didn’t get a chance to see everything, but we hope to come back one day. Prague is beautiful:
The architecture can be stunning, it’s like walking through the 18th century:


On Wednesday, we set out to visit our good friends in Slovenia! One gas station in the Czech Republic had an interesting sign…


Tuesday, we got to Klenová for the great Czechout Party!! We didn’t stay for shenanigans as we had a great hotel booked in Prague, but it was awesome seeing all the rally cars together!



Our car even hit 200,000km on the way to Klenová!


We drove through Vienna and Graz as well, with some great views (and rain):


Our travelling gnome friend especially enjoyed Austria!


In the meantime, our car is being seen to by some friends in Slovenia, so crossing our fingers that – with their ministrations – the car will no longer make a horrible grinding noise when it turns on!